Heyy so this is my summer skin care routine. This is skin care for your whole body as in summer the sun is out and you need to protect your skin in summer.
First of all you need to start with a good sun cream which is the right factor for you. If you aren't used to the sun that much then it is better to start with a higher factor and slowly decrease it so your body has time to get used to the sun. Also you need to reapply sun cream throughout the day such as every 1-2 hours. Also if you are in the sea you will need to apply before and after as the sun will still get to your body. You should also apply this anywhere your body is exposed so if your hair is in a bun or ponytail then you should apply to the back of your neck as you don't won't sun burn here.
Secondly after you have been in the sun you need to apply after sun and keep your skin moisturized. If you get sun burn you need to apply after sun as soon as you come out of the sun and keep applying regularly. If your skin begins to peel after sun burn then you need to use an exfoliating body wash as this will get rid of the dry skin. Some of my favourites are the 'Shower Smoothies' body wash and 'Soap and Glory Flake Away' they both smell great and you can feel a real difference on your skin and it feels so smooth afterwards.
After using an exfoliating body wash you need to apply a body butter. Two of my favourites are 'Soap and Glory Righteous Butter' and 'Sanctuary Spa Body Butter.' I apply this after having showers and before I go to bed. I also apply when my skin is peeling and there is obvious dry skin, this gives your body a smooth feeling and makes the skin look less obvious that it is peeling. You also need to apply this even if your haven't been burnt as it gives your skin a nice glow especially if you have a tan.
Now I am moving on to skin care for your face and to help with spots. I would like to say the sun does help reduce spots and breakouts so you should go in the sun to help with this but you need to stay protected.
My first step is water. Since I have been on holiday I have been drinking lots of fizzy drinks and over two weeks I have probably only drunk abut three bottles of water. This isn't good for my skin or my body in general. Drinking drinks that have sugar in makes me more thirsty so I have been drinking more fizzy drinks, whereas drinking water refreshes you and makes you more hydrated especially in hot weather as being dehydrated can make you feel ill.
My second step is using a good face wash. One I have been using and I feel really works for me is 'Clean & Clear Exfoliating Daily Wash' for me this really works and I don't get as many break outs or if I do the amount of spots I get is lowered a lot. I also use the moistouriser that goes with the face wash.
My last step is using spot creams or spot sticks to apply to spots. I use these at night before I go to bad to give them time to work. Two that I use all the time are. 'T-Zone Rapid Action Spot Zapping Gel' and 'T-Zone Spot Zapping Stick.' The two products I use are very similar but I use them at similar times and they work fast and reduce the size of spots overnight.
Hopefully this will help for when you are on holiday to protect you from the sun or help after you have been in the sun and help your skin with spots.
Follow my Instagram: www.instagram.com/hair_fashionx123
Hannah xx
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