Monday, 28 July 2014

Top 4 Summer Scents

First of all I would like to say I am so so sorry I haven't uploaded in such a long time! I have been so busy with prom, things at home and I've also been on holiday for two weeks. I will be uploading a few times this week to make up for it so hopefully there won't be long delays between them. After the next few weeks I will be back to normal and uploading every Monday and Wednesday. 

For this post I am going to show you some of my favourite scents for summer these are not in order as  I wouldn't be able to choose which is my favourite.

Soap and Glory Mist you Madly - This is such a nice scent for summer. I first smelt this at school when it was sprayed in one of the rooms. When i first smelt it I wanted to go and buy it as it smells so good. I finally got it last week and have been using it most days since. It is light and fruity and last for such a long time once you have sprayed it on yourself. It is a big bottle so will last for such a long time. It was £6.50 from Boots.

Hollister Crescent Bay - This is a nice scent for summer as it smells of strawberries and they are a summery fruit. As soon as I sprayed this in the shop I brought it as it is an amazing smell. I have been buying this for over a year as well as using it in summer it is a smell that is nice all year as well. The spray was £12 but I think they usually have an offer which is 3 for £24.

Hollister Seasonal Edition - The smell of this is really nice for summer. It is a fresh smell for summer but can be used for the rest of the year as well. The spray was £12 but I think they usually have an offer which is 3 for £24. 

Joey Essex My Girl - This perfume is so nice for the summer. It is a light fresh fragrance. The perfume is perfect all year round as well. The perfume is on sale in Tesco for £16.00 and on the Fusey website for £15.00. 

Hope you enjoyed this post, I will be uploading again tomorrow or the day after as I haven't done in ages. Comment if you use any of these scents or any others you use.
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Hannah xx

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