Saturday, 9 August 2014

How To: Wash Makeup Brushes

Firstly I get a small table and a towel and lay this out on the table I then gather my brushes and put them on the table.

Next I run warm water into the sink and add soapy water. If you would like to use a bowl for this then it will work the same as I swap between which I use. Once I have added the soap I swirl it around to make it bubble up. Again it's your choice if you'd like to add soap or use normal warm water. 

After I have prepared everything I put the brush into the water then bring the brush out and pinch with my thumb and first finger and rub in circle to get the makeup off. If you need to you can add a bit more soap to the brush. 

After doing 2-3 brushes depending on the size I get rid of the dirty water and run fresh water and add more soap. Before running new water I let it run for a while and wash the sink down to get rid off any makeup that could of stayed at the side of the sink. 

I usually keep my concealer, foundation and powder brushes together, I then keep the blusher and bronzer brushes together then keep the eye brushes together. This stops foundation mixing with eyeshadow brushes. This is your choice if you do it this way.

Finally i leave all the brushes lined up on the towel and leave the to dry overnight. I would do this once a month to keep them clean unless they get very dirty I will do them in between washes.

This is my way of doing my brushes and you might have a different way. Hopefully this could give you some tips or help when you wash your brushes.
 Follow my Instagram: comment on this post and on instagram. 

Hannah xxx

Tuesday, 5 August 2014

Top 5 Lip Products

MUA One Direction Moments Niall - I love using MUA make up as I think for the price it is good. From MUA I usually only buy Lipstick or Nail Varnish and Both are great. I was really happy when One Direction brought a makeup range out with them as I think the make up is great and it doesn't cost a lot. When it comes to lipsticks I prefer nude and pale pinks. The lipstick is a pale pink and it looks good to wear on a day to day basis and if you wear it at night. I think this is perfect if you are on a budget but it works just as good as any other lipstick.
Collection Little Mix Jade - Collection does have some good bargains it isn't usually my choice of makeup but I wanted to look at the Little Mix range when I first saw it. As I like nudes and pale pinks this one caught my eye and I loved as soon as I saw it. It doesn't cost much so is such a good bargain and the colour comes out lovely when you apply it. I would recommend this as it such a good lipstick to use. 
MUA One Direction Lip Polish Louis Loves... - When I was looking at this range for the first time I liked the look of this and when I found out that it was nude/brown colour I loved it even more. When you put it on your lips it gives a slight nude stain to your lips and makes them look so nice and glossy. I also love that it smells of vanilla as I love this smell myself. This is a great bargain and lasts for a while. 
Maybelline Baby Lips Cherry Me - I love this because it is a lip balm and it gives a nice stain to your lips. When they first came out everyone had them and I knew I needed to try them out. When I looked at them I brought this one and the Peach Kiss, both of them are great but I feel that Peach Kiss doesn't work as good for a lip balm because my lips still felt dry and chapped when I put it on but this one is amazing and my lips feel great after. I was worried at first of buying this as I don't usually wear bright or dark coloured lip products. When I tried it on at home I loved it because it wasn't to dark and just stained you lips with the red instead of being so dark. I also love the fact that it does also smell of cherries as it's such a nice smell.
Carmex Original - I really wanted a good lip balm as a few years ago throughout winter my lips were really dry and chapped so I asked for some suggestions and I was suggested this. Ever since I have brought this because it works really well. I usually put this on over night and the next morning my lips feel so much better. I also wear this in the day if I want my lips to be a natural colour or if it is windy as it protects them from getting even more chapped. This also has SPF 15 so I can wear it in summer when the sun is out and I need a protection on my lips.

Hope this helped you if you needed any good Lip Products. Follow me on instagram: 
Also comment any suggestion or opinions on this post or on instagram. 
Hannah x

Tuesday, 29 July 2014

Summer Skin Care

Heyy so this is my summer skin care routine. This is skin care for your whole body as in summer the sun is out and you need to protect your skin in summer.

First of all you need to start with a good sun cream which is the right factor for you. If you aren't used to the sun that much then it is better to start with a higher factor and slowly decrease it so your body has time to get used to the sun. Also you need to reapply sun cream throughout the day such as every 1-2 hours. Also if you are in the sea you will need to apply before and after as the sun will still get to your body. You should also apply this anywhere your body is exposed so if your hair is in a bun or ponytail then you should apply to the back of your neck as you don't won't sun burn here. 

Secondly after you have been in the sun you need to apply after sun and keep your skin moisturized. If you get sun burn you need to apply after sun as soon as you come out of the sun and keep applying regularly. If your skin begins to peel after sun burn then you need to use an exfoliating body wash as this will get rid of the dry skin. Some of my favourites are the 'Shower Smoothies' body wash and 'Soap and Glory Flake Away' they both smell great and you can feel a real difference on your skin and it feels so smooth afterwards. 

After using an exfoliating body wash you need to apply a body butter. Two of my favourites are 'Soap and Glory Righteous Butter' and 'Sanctuary Spa Body Butter.' I apply this after having showers and before I go to bed. I also apply when my skin is peeling and there is obvious dry skin, this gives your body a smooth feeling and makes the skin look less obvious that it is peeling. You also need to apply this even if your haven't been burnt as it gives your skin a nice glow especially if you have a tan. 

Now I am moving on to skin care for your face and to help with spots. I would like to say the sun does help reduce spots and breakouts so you should go in the sun to help with this but you need to stay protected.  

My first step is water. Since I have been on holiday I have been drinking lots of fizzy drinks and over two weeks I have probably only drunk abut three bottles of water. This isn't good for my skin or my body in general. Drinking drinks that have sugar in makes me more thirsty so I have been drinking more fizzy drinks, whereas drinking water refreshes you and makes you more hydrated especially in hot weather as being dehydrated can make you feel ill. 

My second step is using a good face wash. One I have been using and I feel really works for me is 'Clean & Clear Exfoliating Daily Wash' for me this really works and I don't get as many break outs or if I do the amount of spots I get is lowered a lot. I also use the moistouriser that goes with the face wash. 

My last step is using spot creams or spot sticks to apply to spots. I use these at night before I go to bad to give them time to work. Two that I use all the time are. 'T-Zone Rapid Action Spot Zapping Gel' and 'T-Zone Spot Zapping Stick.' The two products I use are very similar but I use them at similar times and they work fast and reduce the size of spots overnight.

Hopefully this will help for when you are on holiday to protect you from the sun or help after you have been in the sun and help your skin with spots. 

Follow my Instagram:

Hannah xx

Monday, 28 July 2014

Top 4 Summer Scents

First of all I would like to say I am so so sorry I haven't uploaded in such a long time! I have been so busy with prom, things at home and I've also been on holiday for two weeks. I will be uploading a few times this week to make up for it so hopefully there won't be long delays between them. After the next few weeks I will be back to normal and uploading every Monday and Wednesday. 

For this post I am going to show you some of my favourite scents for summer these are not in order as  I wouldn't be able to choose which is my favourite.

Soap and Glory Mist you Madly - This is such a nice scent for summer. I first smelt this at school when it was sprayed in one of the rooms. When i first smelt it I wanted to go and buy it as it smells so good. I finally got it last week and have been using it most days since. It is light and fruity and last for such a long time once you have sprayed it on yourself. It is a big bottle so will last for such a long time. It was £6.50 from Boots.

Hollister Crescent Bay - This is a nice scent for summer as it smells of strawberries and they are a summery fruit. As soon as I sprayed this in the shop I brought it as it is an amazing smell. I have been buying this for over a year as well as using it in summer it is a smell that is nice all year as well. The spray was £12 but I think they usually have an offer which is 3 for £24.

Hollister Seasonal Edition - The smell of this is really nice for summer. It is a fresh smell for summer but can be used for the rest of the year as well. The spray was £12 but I think they usually have an offer which is 3 for £24. 

Joey Essex My Girl - This perfume is so nice for the summer. It is a light fresh fragrance. The perfume is perfect all year round as well. The perfume is on sale in Tesco for £16.00 and on the Fusey website for £15.00. 

Hope you enjoyed this post, I will be uploading again tomorrow or the day after as I haven't done in ages. Comment if you use any of these scents or any others you use.
Follow my instagram: 
Hannah xx

Monday, 30 June 2014

Hair Dye After Care

Heyy so a few weeks ago I dyed Louise's Hair (LastingFashion: ) I wanted to do a post about the after care I did it at Louise's house so the products I used were her products but I will show below the products I would use when dying my own hair. 

First of all I rinsed Louise's hair through with warm water. The colour of the water will be the colour of the hair dye if you are dying it a dark colour once the water becomes lighter I use a nourishing shampoo and the
conditioner the hair dye came with. I wash her hair with shampoo twice then massage the conditioner in. I then rinse the conditioner out and pat dry with a towel for a few minutes. 

After washing the hair I then brush through with the tangle teezer. Once I brush the hair I add some of the L'oreal Elvive Extraordinary Oil. I only add 1-2 pumps of the oil to give it a good shine. I also add the Treseme heat defence spray to protect the hair. I then add the VO5 plump it up as Louise likes to add some volume to her hair. I then dry Louise's hair with a round brush.

For styling you need to add heat defence spray  and style as you would like. If you don't need heat then you can skip this step. 

This is the products I would use if I was doing my own hair.

First of all I'd rinse my hair through with warm water. The colour of the water will be the colour of the hair dye if you are dying it a dark colour once the water becomes lighter I use a nourishing shampoo and the
conditioner the hair dye came with. I wash the hair with shampoo twice then massage the conditioner in. I then rinse the conditioner out and pat dry with a towel for a few minutes. 

After washing the hair I then brush through with the tangle teezer. Once I brush the hair I add some of the Argan Secret. I only add 1-2 sprays of this to give the hair a good shine. I also add the VO5 heat defence spray to protect the hair. I then dry the hair with a round brush.

For styling I add the Argan Secret as it has heat defence in and add some VO5 smoothly does it and style the hair. You can do this as you would like. If you don't need heat then you can skip this step. 

Hair dye and heat being put on the hair will damage hair. You need to be careful so make sure you use nourishing shampoo and conditioner, use a hair mask once a week the one I use is argan oil hair mask and herbal essences bee strong hair mask. 

Hope you enjoyed this post. follow me on instagram:

Hannah x

Wednesday, 25 June 2014

Steal Their Hairstyle

Heey, this post is a Little Mix steal their style but for hair. Me and my friend Louise (LastingFashion: were looking at hairstyles of the girls a few weeks back and as an idea for a blog post I decided to do Louise's hair like in the photos we had chosen. For the looks you need hair straighteners, curlers or a curling wand, hairspray, salt spray, bobby pins, hair bobbles, heat protector and a flower headband. I think all these looks can be worn casually but also if you are going out somewhere.

For Leigh Anne's hair the photo I have chosen is when she has her hair straightened and very sleek, the main thing for this look is to get the hair sleek and straight. First of all I straightened all of Louise's hair and made sure there was no frizz or bits that flick out. Leigh Anne has a plait from her fringe to the pony tail. On Louise's head I did a simple 3 section plait to the middle of her head and brought the rest of her hair in and did a pony tail. Louise's hair isn't as long as Leigh Anne's hair is so the pony tail isn't as high as it is on the photo but I think it still works well. This style works best with mid to long length hair as you need to get the pony tail as high up as possible. The difficulty for this is about a 2 as you need your hair to be really sleek and smooth or it might not as look as good and if you are doing it on yourself it could be difficult to do the plait on top but it's best to think you are doing a french plait on your head but don't add any extra hair. 

For Perrie's hair the photo I have chosen is when she has her hair short and curly and the main thing for this is the flowers in her hair. First of all I curled Louise's hair the curls need to be quite loose so I stopped curling about half way up her head and added a small amount of salt spray and scrunched her hair at the ends. I then added some hairspray to keep the hair in place. I continue this through all of her hair. I then added a flower headband to Louise's hair. The headband I have is not as big as the flowers Perrie has but I think it still works well. For this style I think it works for all hair lengths as Perrie's hair is short and Louise's hair is much longer than in this photo. The difficulty rating for this is a 1.5 as you need to be careful with curlers as they get hot and if you use a wand, which is what I used, it is important to use the glove they come with unless they didn't come with one then you need to be really careful. 

For Jesy's hair the photo I chose was when she had curly hair with it clipped to one side, the main thing for this style is clipping it to the side. First of all I curled Louise's hair and added some hairspray to keep it in place. I then got some bobby pins and took her hair to the side I wanted it to be on. Then I clipped the hair in place and added more hairspray to keep the style in place. This look also works for all hair lengths but if you have layers in you hair or it is very short then it can be hard to keep the hair to one side and will need more bobby pins. The difficulty rating for this is a 1 as it is really easy and simple clipping the hair to the side but you do need to be careful with curlers or curling wands. 

For Jades hair the photo I chose was when she has curly/beachy hair and a plait through her fringe, the main thing for this look is  the plait. I started by curling Louise's hair to the middle of her head the adding quite a lot of salt spray and scrunching the hair to get the beachy hair. I then took a section of Louise's hair from the front and brought it over to one side and did a simple 3 section plait towards the back of her head and pinned in place with bobby pins. This hair style works for all hair lengths but it would be best if your fringe was a similar length to your hair so the plait can come all the way around. The difficulty for this is about a 2 as it can be hard to get the beachy hair with the salt spray without it going hard or sticky and to do the plait as it can be a bit confusing how to start it. 

I know the looks aren't exactly the same as on the girls but it's my interpratation of them and I think for a first time go at these they were close enough. Also I haven't had training and with hair I think it is all about recreating your own interpratation and trying different ways of doing it.

Follow my Instagram: and I will follow you back. Hope you enjoyed this post.

Hannah x

Monday, 23 June 2014

Bronze/Golden Makeup Look

Heey, this is a bronze/golden makeup looks. I've been wearing this a bit at the moment and I think it's something a bit different than my everyday makeup look. 

1) I start by applying my foundation which is the collection Lasting Perfection. I apply this with my foundation brush. I then apply my concealer which is the 2true concealer using the same brush as I need to get a brush for concealer. 

2) I then apply my powder to my T-Zone which is collection lasting perfection. I also apply to any other areas that need a bit of powder.

3) I then apply my blusher which is the Ted Baker which the Ted Baker blusher brush. I apply this to my cheek bones. 

4) I then apply my eyeshadow. I start with a creme eyehsadow which helps they rest of they eyeshadows stay in place through out the day. This is by Rimmel London. I then use the w7 naked nudes. I use the 3 darkest colours. I start by applying the lightest and gradually going up to the darker shades. I then add the pot of shimmer (sorry I don't know where this is from as it has been rubbed off the packaging) this is how i get the bronze/golden look. 

5) I then curl my eyelashes and apply a few coats of the 2true wow! mascara.

6) I then do my eyebrows. I follow my natural eyebrow shape and lightly go over them. I then add more to were needs to be added and using the brush on the ned brush through to get rid of any harsh lines.

7) I apply some Carmex lipbalm on my lips just to soften then as they can get dried out very easily.

8) I wait a few minutes so when I apply my lip pen it's not as glossy. I then apply the Ted Baker Lip Pens to my lips and rub in well so it is even and not too dark. 

I'd just like to say if you wear the winged eyeliner then you can apply this but I don't suit it so I don't wear it but for this I used the Ted Baker pencil eye liner which has a glitter in so it goes with the shimmery eyeshadow. I apply a thing line across my eyelid. On myself I don't flick it out because as I said before it doesn't suit me so I leave it as I have in the photos below. 


Hope you enjoyed this and I hope you try it out and adapt the look as you like. I know when I see tutorials on youtube ot online on makeup looks I love to try it out and adapt it to how it suits me. 
Also please follow me on Instagram 
Comment what you'd like to see in other blog posts as I have a few ideas but would like to do more useful posts.
Hannah x

Wednesday, 18 June 2014

Summer Hairstyles

Heyy, as the weathers getting better and it's coming up towards summer I though I'd do a post about Summer hair and how to do them.

Fishtail- Bring the hair all the way around to one side of your head. Then split the hair down the middle with two equal sides. Take a small section from the back of one section and bring over to the other. Repeat this by taking a small section from the back of the section you added to and bring it over the top and add it to the other. Repeat this all the way down your hair and tie the end with a bobblle. On a scale 1-5 for difficulty i'd give this about a 2 as the first few times you do this it can be hard but it gets easier as you go along. 

Half Up Half Down - You can use straight or curly hair so style as you would like. Then take a section clip and run through the front section of your hair at the front. Once you have the section of hair you can comb this back. You can either clip the hair using bobby pins or a bobble. The difficulty for this is 1 as it is one of the simplest hairstyles you can do. 

Waterfall Braid - This can be done use straight or curly hair but I prefer to do this on curly hair as I think it looks prettier this way but it is your choice. Once you have styled your hair you need to take 3 section from the top of your head at either your left or right side. You then start of by doing a plait. Once you have brought the hair over two or three times you then bring the section furthest from your ear over the top of the middle section and under the section closest to your ear and drop this. You then bring a new section of hair from your hair furthest from your ear and do continue to plait. After bringing each section over once or twice you then repeat the action of dropping the hair again. When you are coming to the end of your hair length you then end with a normal 3 section plait. You then end this with a bobble. (really sorry if this was bad explaining if it easier to go on youtube and find a tutorial then you can do this also it's so hard to do on yourself as you can't see the back on your head so I'd suggest doing this on a friend or have a friend do this on you.) For the difficulty rating of this I'd give it a 3-4 it gets so much easier when you are used to doing it I had to practice a couple of times before I could do it properly but when you first start it gets confusing but comes naturally afterwards.

Halo Braids - First of all you need to section your hair down the middle and but a pony tail in one side to keep it out of the way. You then need to take a section from the back and tie or clip away the rest of the hair. You then plait your hair down and tie of with an elastic. You repeat this on the other side. Once you have both braids you bring one over the top of the head and clip it down using bobby pins. You repeat this with the other plait and bring your hair over the top to hide the bobby pins. The difficulty rating is about a 2 as it can be hard at first to hide the bobby pins and bring the plaits over but it is something you need to get used to. 

Milkmaid Braids -You need to section the hair straight down the middle and clip or tie one section of hair out of the way. You then need to take the remaining section and plait it all the way down the hair using 3 section plaits and tie of with an elastic. You then repeat this on the other side. once you have got both plaits you need to take some bobby pins and bring the first plait over and clip in place. You then repeat this. The difficulty I would give this is about a 2.5-3 it is hard to clip in place and hide the bobby pins and the hair can sometimes fall out of the bobby pins. 

Plait and Ponytail - I'm not sure what this is called and I'm sure most people have done it before but I strated by trying to do a french plait but it didn't work out so did this instead. You start of by taking 3 sections of hair at the top of your head and start by doing a normal plait. Once you have done this 2-3 times you add a small section of hair to the bit you are going to cross over next. you then repeat this action 3-4 more times. You then bring all of your hair into a pony tail which is around the middle of your head and tie with a bobble. The difficulty rating for this would be about a 1-1.5 as it's easy to do but I find french plaits hard to do so it can be difficult for me. 

Hope this helped some people with summer or prom hair styles. In summer it is nice to get your hair up and out of your face as it is warm I know some teh hair is down but fringes and the front of your hair is out of your face which is nice in summer too. These are just something a bit different to a messy bun or a pony tail. Also it's so hard to describe these to everyone without being able to physically show you but hopefull you can understand if not please go on youtube and find a turtorial as I'd love you to try these. 
Also follow my Instagram: and comment. I haven't had any comments yet and I don't want to keep asking but it's really hard to think of ideas for twice a week uploads and I never know if anyone actually enjoys this blog or if anything I do helps people so I'd love to know and I would also love to know any ideas you have if you need help with anything beauty/fashion/hair related or even if people need help with school or life in general I'd love to be able to help. Also if you have any time and could share this with your friends that would be so lovely too. Excited for my next upload as i have an idea and started with pictures. Plus you can comment any suggestions/questions and I'll try and write a post about them or answering questions if I got any. 
Hannah x

Monday, 16 June 2014

7 Days of Outfits.

First of all I'd like to say well done to everyone that has finished or are finishing there exams. I know it's been stressful but it's done now and it's time to relax. I hope everyone gets all the grades they'd like and I hope everyone has a great summer. 

Today I'm writing about 7 days of my outfits I wore.

I wore this on Friday the 6th the weather was good and there was some sun. I wore it with tights because even though it was sunny there was still a small breeze. It's a comfy outfit that's casual so it was good when i went out with friends. I got the top from Primark, the shorts from New Look and my tights from Primark. I wore converse with this as there are comfy and casual.


I wore this on Saturday 7th the weather was good but not as sunny as the day before so I went for something that still looked good for summer but kept me warmer. I didn't do much that day so it was something that was comfy to just sit around in and didn't look too much. I got the top from Hollister, the jeans from Select. I wore some ballet pumps as they were light and went with the outfits and they are comfy if you are walking about for  a while. 

I wore this on Sunday 8th in the morning it was really sunny so I though I'd wear shorts and try and get a tan but then later in the day it started raining. I just went around a few shops and to my nans house that day so it was casual and comfy. I wore they ballet pumps again as they went with the outfit and are comfy. The top is from Hollister and my shorts are from New Look. 

I wore this outfit on  Monday 9th and I had an exam this day and when i was walking back it rained so I wanted to wear something that was warm and comfy. This day was a day where I revised for the last few exams. This outfit was really comfy to sit in all day. I got my hoody from school as it is the leavers and my leggings from Next. I was in all day so I didn't wear any shoes with this. 

I wore this outfit on Tuesday 10th again I revised but took my dog out for a walk. This was something comfy to revise in. It was quite warm that day so it was a good outfit to wear when I went out. I got my top from H&M and my leggings from New Look. The shoes I worse were my ballet pumps. Later that day I went out for a run/walk with one of my friends so changed into trackies from New Look and put my Leavers Hoody on. 

I wore this outfit on Wednesday 11th again I revised this day and took my dog for a walk. It was warm and there was some sun but it did rain lightly when I was walking my dog. I also put a coat with this and the same one with my outfit above. The coat was a parka but it lightweight so it wasn't to warm in it. the shoes I wore were my ballet pumps. My top was from Select and my jeans were also from Select. 

I wore this outfit on Thursday 12th I had an exam and when I was walking home i realized how sunny it was so I decided to go for something that was light and summery. I also wanted something that i felt comfy in. My top is from New Look and my Skirt is also from New Look. The shoes I wore were my ballet pumps. 

I wore this on Friday 13th this was the day of my last exam and walking home it was sunny but when I got back the sky looked a bit darker so I though I'd put something warmer on. This day I played football and Volleyball in some fields near mine and my friends houses we also watched films and went on a walk (whilst getting lost). The top was from Jane Norman and my trousers were from Primark. I also wore my ballet shoes.

I'd just like to say I'm really sorry if I went to much into what I did on each day I just wanted to show the clothes I wear when I do certain things so you can see what to wear if you do any of these things. 
I hope you are enjoying my Blog so far and I will be uploading again on Wednesday.
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Hannah x