Wednesday, 25 June 2014

Steal Their Hairstyle

Heey, this post is a Little Mix steal their style but for hair. Me and my friend Louise (LastingFashion: were looking at hairstyles of the girls a few weeks back and as an idea for a blog post I decided to do Louise's hair like in the photos we had chosen. For the looks you need hair straighteners, curlers or a curling wand, hairspray, salt spray, bobby pins, hair bobbles, heat protector and a flower headband. I think all these looks can be worn casually but also if you are going out somewhere.

For Leigh Anne's hair the photo I have chosen is when she has her hair straightened and very sleek, the main thing for this look is to get the hair sleek and straight. First of all I straightened all of Louise's hair and made sure there was no frizz or bits that flick out. Leigh Anne has a plait from her fringe to the pony tail. On Louise's head I did a simple 3 section plait to the middle of her head and brought the rest of her hair in and did a pony tail. Louise's hair isn't as long as Leigh Anne's hair is so the pony tail isn't as high as it is on the photo but I think it still works well. This style works best with mid to long length hair as you need to get the pony tail as high up as possible. The difficulty for this is about a 2 as you need your hair to be really sleek and smooth or it might not as look as good and if you are doing it on yourself it could be difficult to do the plait on top but it's best to think you are doing a french plait on your head but don't add any extra hair. 

For Perrie's hair the photo I have chosen is when she has her hair short and curly and the main thing for this is the flowers in her hair. First of all I curled Louise's hair the curls need to be quite loose so I stopped curling about half way up her head and added a small amount of salt spray and scrunched her hair at the ends. I then added some hairspray to keep the hair in place. I continue this through all of her hair. I then added a flower headband to Louise's hair. The headband I have is not as big as the flowers Perrie has but I think it still works well. For this style I think it works for all hair lengths as Perrie's hair is short and Louise's hair is much longer than in this photo. The difficulty rating for this is a 1.5 as you need to be careful with curlers as they get hot and if you use a wand, which is what I used, it is important to use the glove they come with unless they didn't come with one then you need to be really careful. 

For Jesy's hair the photo I chose was when she had curly hair with it clipped to one side, the main thing for this style is clipping it to the side. First of all I curled Louise's hair and added some hairspray to keep it in place. I then got some bobby pins and took her hair to the side I wanted it to be on. Then I clipped the hair in place and added more hairspray to keep the style in place. This look also works for all hair lengths but if you have layers in you hair or it is very short then it can be hard to keep the hair to one side and will need more bobby pins. The difficulty rating for this is a 1 as it is really easy and simple clipping the hair to the side but you do need to be careful with curlers or curling wands. 

For Jades hair the photo I chose was when she has curly/beachy hair and a plait through her fringe, the main thing for this look is  the plait. I started by curling Louise's hair to the middle of her head the adding quite a lot of salt spray and scrunching the hair to get the beachy hair. I then took a section of Louise's hair from the front and brought it over to one side and did a simple 3 section plait towards the back of her head and pinned in place with bobby pins. This hair style works for all hair lengths but it would be best if your fringe was a similar length to your hair so the plait can come all the way around. The difficulty for this is about a 2 as it can be hard to get the beachy hair with the salt spray without it going hard or sticky and to do the plait as it can be a bit confusing how to start it. 

I know the looks aren't exactly the same as on the girls but it's my interpratation of them and I think for a first time go at these they were close enough. Also I haven't had training and with hair I think it is all about recreating your own interpratation and trying different ways of doing it.

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Hannah x

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