Wednesday, 11 June 2014

Shower Routine.

Before I start this there's a few things I'd quickly like to say. 
First of all I never know if people are enjoying what I write about, so could you all please leave a comment or if you like it follow my Instagram:
If you follow me on Instagram I will follow back but it could take a while as it is not my main account so I won't always be logged on there. 

Secondly I'd like to say if you are enjoying theses posts what else would you like me to post about. Also I will be doing more hair things once I have started College as I will know more about hair and will be able to show you more things then but I will star doing more soon but I have a few more ideas to post about first of all. 

Also I'm sorry if this isn't that good but I'm revising for my last few exams so haven't had much preparation time. I will be posting every Monday and Wednesday. 

I was suggested by my friend to do a care routine for shaving my legs but I wasn't sure what to write about so I'm going to do a Shower Routine including shaving my legs.

The first thing I do is wash my hair A shampoo I have been loving recently is Herbal Essences Moroccan My Shine you can get this from boots and superdrug and most supermarkets. I love to use Moroccan Oil and Argan Oil on my hair as it gives my hair a nice shine and makes it feel soft and smooth. I wash my hair twice with the shampoo. I then move onto the conditioner which is also Herbal Essences Moroccan My Shine. With this I add some to my hand then rub it evenly over my hair. I then brush it through. The brush I use is usually a Tangle Teezer (available from most hairdressers) but you can use an ordinary brush. I then run my hands over my hair to see if there is any bits that need more conditioner and add small amounts to the areas that need it.

I then move onto washing my body. A shower gel I am loving at the moment is the Imperial Leather Invigorating Mango and Juicy Papaya you can get this from most supermarkets and boots and superdrug. The smell of it is really fruity and at this time of year I love smells like this. You don't need to use too much as it does lather up really well. The smell lasts on your skin really well for a while which I find important with shower gels. 
I then wash my conditioner out I rinse my hair with water then brush through feeling where there is any conditioner in my hair and concentrate on those areas. I then rinse my hair again and check for any conditioner. 

Next I move on to Shaving my legs. I use my shower gel and rub it over my legs. I then go around my leg in a sequence, once I have done my leg I rinse of any shower gel and then repeat this again on the same leg. I then do this on my other leg. I prefer to use a twin blade razor or a triple blade razor. I find that these are more safe because I have never cut my leg using these whereas I have a few time using a single blade razor. The one I use is the Gillette Women's Razor you can get this from most supermarkets or boots and superdrug.
After having my shower I like to use a body butter. I feel this helps after shaving your legs because it makes them feel much softer. I also use a body butter even if I don't shave my legs. I like my skin to feel soft. A body butter I have been loving at the moment is Sanctuary Spa Body Butter, this is available at boots.
Hope this was helpful and hope you try these products and love them as much as I do. 
Hannah x 

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