Wednesday, 4 June 2014

Last Day Of School

This is something like I feel I need to get out and write down. It was the last day of school today and it was very emotional. I will honestly miss everyone, I think even the people I might not of spoken to much I will miss. It has been a big part of my life and it makes me sad thinking I will never see most people again. It just feels like a big part of my life is gone and there's an empty space that can't be filled. Even though I am excited to go to College I'm also so nervous and it scares me how many people I am leaving behind and that I will have new friends. I want to stay in contact with so many people because they are who made me who I am at the moment. I know there's been so many bad times but the good times and memories take over that completely. I wish everyone a brilliant future and to have happiness and luck in everything they want to do in life. Also the same too people who might be reading this and good luck in your last exams and hope you did well in your other exams. If you aren't in year 11 then I wish you good luck for when you are and make sure you stay calm when it's your exams and have plenty of tissues for your last day and if you have an assembly as it's really emotional. And also make sure you make as many friends as you can before it rushes to the end as it is one of my biggest regrets not getting to know everyone before the last few months. 

Also if you are enjoying my blog please leave me some feedback and anything you might want me to talk about and follow me on instagram:





             Hannah x.

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