Heyy, as the weathers getting better and it's coming up towards summer I though I'd do a post about Summer hair and how to do them.
Fishtail- Bring the hair all the way around to one side of your head. Then split the hair down the middle with two equal sides. Take a small section from the back of one section and bring over to the other. Repeat this by taking a small section from the back of the section you added to and bring it over the top and add it to the other. Repeat this all the way down your hair and tie the end with a bobblle. On a scale 1-5 for difficulty i'd give this about a 2 as the first few times you do this it can be hard but it gets easier as you go along.
Half Up Half Down - You can use straight or curly hair so style as you would like. Then take a section clip and run through the front section of your hair at the front. Once you have the section of hair you can comb this back. You can either clip the hair using bobby pins or a bobble. The difficulty for this is 1 as it is one of the simplest hairstyles you can do.

Waterfall Braid - This can be done use straight or curly hair but I prefer to do this on curly hair as I think it looks prettier this way but it is your choice. Once you have styled your hair you need to take 3 section from the top of your head at either your left or right side. You then start of by doing a plait. Once you have brought the hair over two or three times you then bring the section furthest from your ear over the top of the middle section and under the section closest to your ear and drop this. You then bring a new section of hair from your hair furthest from your ear and do continue to plait. After bringing each section over once or twice you then repeat the action of dropping the hair again. When you are coming to the end of your hair length you then end with a normal 3 section plait. You then end this with a bobble. (really sorry if this was bad explaining if it easier to go on youtube and find a tutorial then you can do this also it's so hard to do on yourself as you can't see the back on your head so I'd suggest doing this on a friend or have a friend do this on you.) For the difficulty rating of this I'd give it a 3-4 it gets so much easier when you are used to doing it I had to practice a couple of times before I could do it properly but when you first start it gets confusing but comes naturally afterwards.

Halo Braids - First of all you need to section your hair down the middle and but a pony tail in one side to keep it out of the way. You then need to take a section from the back and tie or clip away the rest of the hair. You then plait your hair down and tie of with an elastic. You repeat this on the other side. Once you have both braids you bring one over the top of the head and clip it down using bobby pins. You repeat this with the other plait and bring your hair over the top to hide the bobby pins. The difficulty rating is about a 2 as it can be hard at first to hide the bobby pins and bring the plaits over but it is something you need to get used to.

Milkmaid Braids -You need to section the hair straight down the middle and clip or tie one section of hair out of the way. You then need to take the remaining section and plait it all the way down the hair using 3 section plaits and tie of with an elastic. You then repeat this on the other side. once you have got both plaits you need to take some bobby pins and bring the first plait over and clip in place. You then repeat this. The difficulty I would give this is about a 2.5-3 it is hard to clip in place and hide the bobby pins and the hair can sometimes fall out of the bobby pins.

Plait and Ponytail - I'm not sure what this is called and I'm sure most people have done it before but I strated by trying to do a french plait but it didn't work out so did this instead. You start of by taking 3 sections of hair at the top of your head and start by doing a normal plait. Once you have done this 2-3 times you add a small section of hair to the bit you are going to cross over next. you then repeat this action 3-4 more times. You then bring all of your hair into a pony tail which is around the middle of your head and tie with a bobble. The difficulty rating for this would be about a 1-1.5 as it's easy to do but I find french plaits hard to do so it can be difficult for me.
Hope this helped some people with summer or prom hair styles. In summer it is nice to get your hair up and out of your face as it is warm I know some teh hair is down but fringes and the front of your hair is out of your face which is nice in summer too. These are just something a bit different to a messy bun or a pony tail. Also it's so hard to describe these to everyone without being able to physically show you but hopefull you can understand if not please go on youtube and find a turtorial as I'd love you to try these.
Also follow my Instagram: instagram.com/hair_fashionx123 and comment. I haven't had any comments yet and I don't want to keep asking but it's really hard to think of ideas for twice a week uploads and I never know if anyone actually enjoys this blog or if anything I do helps people so I'd love to know and I would also love to know any ideas you have if you need help with anything beauty/fashion/hair related or even if people need help with school or life in general I'd love to be able to help. Also if you have any time and could share this with your friends that would be so lovely too. Excited for my next upload as i have an idea and started with pictures. Plus you can comment any suggestions/questions and I'll try and write a post about them or answering questions if I got any.
Hannah x